PCMania 62
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Future vs. Fantasy Quake Documentation v. 2.1
Quake Conversion
Future vs. Fantasy is copyrighted by Freeform Interactive.
Freeform Interactive
Freeform Interactive
Creator/Programmer: Richard Cheung (Hap) hap@planetquake.com
Graphic Designer: Kenneth Hwang (kenn) kenn@autobahn.org
Skins Designer: Ecker Joerg (Fritz) fritz@activeminds.de
Model Designer: Maurizio Majelli (MJM) majelli@inopera.it
Web Designer: Mike Asfour (Jacko) to_jacko@hotmail.com
User Relations: Raymond Cheung (Raison) raison@planetquake.com
Propaganda: Michael Wagner (Darwin) msw@ix.netcom.com
Docs Editor: Phillip Pittz (OSM1) osm1@marinet.or.jp
Sub Editor: Jarret Johnston (DrJ) jjohnston@no1.com.au
Level Design: Phil Daniels (Maverick) phildaniels@albatross.co.uk
Clans: Adam Fournier (Dredfull) dredfull@deathsdoor.com
Docs Written by:
666.Sun! (sun@imaginet.fr), kenn, Raison, Hap, DrJ, & OSM1
(additional credits from other authors at end of docs)
Future vs. Fantasy is copyrighted by Freeform Interactive.
[Server Documentation]
Future vs. Fantasy Quake (hereby referred to as "FvF" or "the
software") is provided AS IS. Neither FreeForm Interactive (FI),
Hap (hap@ucsd.edu), kenn (kenn@autobahn.org), Raison
(raison@concentric.net), nor any individuals either associated or not
associated with FI, including, but not limited to any individual
mentioned by the above or this documentation file, is responsible for
any damage, or financial, physical, emotional, spiritual, economic,
temporal, or spatial loss that may result from running or even simply
possessing the software. FreeForm Interactive also claims the right
to modify this document without prior notification, but will most
likely refrain from including clauses that bequeath unto FI any
property or family members of individuals using the software and
thus abiding by this disclaimer/ad hoc license agreement.
[Table of Contents]
Ia. Minumum Recommended Requirements
IIa. How Do I Run an FvF Server?
b. How Do I List My Server?
IIIa. What Are the Extra Options as a Server?
b. How Do I Customize FvF?
c. Noexit 3
d. Remote Admin - Freeform Passcode 2.0: Setting the Passcode
e. Remote Admin - Freeform Passcode 2.0: Using the Commands
f. Complete Enhanced Teamplay
g. Additional Teamplay Commands
h. Quest Mode
i Default Multi-Player Server Enhancements
[Ia. Minimum Recommended Requirements]
The following lists the minimum requirements recommended
in running a server.
Pentium 100
24 Megs of RAM
Lan or T1 Connection
[IIa. How Do I Run an FvF Server?]
A should be server must be run on a LAN or T1 (or faster connection).
Do not attempt to run a server on a modem line except when servicing
only one client. The server should be run in dedicated mode.
Atleast 16 Megs of RAM must be dedicated only to be used by FvF.
Note: The server program is best downloaded from ftp.cdrom.com or
1. Download FvF into a temporary directory.
2. Decompress FvF into a SUBDIRECTORY under QUAKE.
For example:
If your Quake stored in C:\QUAKE, then decompress FvF into
If Quake is in C:\GAMES\QUAKE, then decompress into
3. Run your dedicated server program with 16 Megs of locked RAM.
For example:
4. Run the server as you normally would.
[IIIa. What are the Extra Options as a Server?]
FvF Quake supports all normal Quake server options.
FvF Quake supports Remote Ops commands, alternative modes of
Teamplay, and several server options that help make FvF the best
Quake add-on available.
[IIIb. How Do I Customize FvF?]
Customizing FvF is simple task. Unlike most patches, you do not
need to learn Quake C. FvF uses three variables to give more
options to the server.
Variable Used to Customize FvF:
[IIIc. Noexit 3]
NOEXIT 3 when combined with the FRAGLIMIT option allows the server
to set the minimum frags required to exit a level. When a player
reaches the "Fraglimit", the server will tell the player he has
exception: If you do not have enough frags to exit the level
(< FRAGLIMIT), you will be gibbed if you attempt to exit.
For example:
Players cannot exit the level unless, they have 20 or more
[IIId. Remote Admin - Freeform Passcode 2.0: Setting the Passcode]
FvF 2.0 utilities Freeform Passcode 2.0 to control remote admin
access. Freeform Passcode is also avalible as a seperate Quake
C patch at Freeform's homepage:
To set the Remote Administrator Passcode, you do not need to
modify any FvF code. It is very simple and can be dynamically
changed without recompilation. Using Remote Admin Commands requires
that two impulses are entered in the correct order, a standard
combination passcode. To enter the passcode, at the console type
the first impulse, followed by a zero, then the second impulse. The
zero is the "space" between the two numbers:
TEMP1 <First Impulse>0<Second Impulse>
For Example:
[Example 1]
If your first impulse is: 143
And your second impulse is: 203
You would type: TEMP1 1430203
--- ---
^ ^
| |
First Impulse for the Passcode -------- |
Second Impulse for the Passcode -----------
[Example 2]
If your first impulse is: 101
And your second impulse is: 17
You would type: TEMP1 1010017
Note: Quake limits impulses to integers between 0 and 255. Also, some
impulses are already used by Quake and FvF, ie. 255 is Quad Cheat.
Make sure your passcode does not consist of impulses already used
or out of range. Generally, avoid impulses 0-8, 30, 31, 245, and 255.
Be careful not to use impulse 0 as part of your passcode, or else you
will leave huge security problems.
[IIIe. Remote Admin - Freeform Passcode 2.0: Using the Commands]
If you set the passcode correctly, you can enter it during the game
in the console. The passcode impulses must be entered in order.
For security reasons, there is NO message when you enter the
passcode. Quake's console does not refresh between commands, so
you will need to exit the console (~) after entering the first
passcode impulse, and re-enter the console (~) to enter the second
impulse. The same goes for op commands. You need to leave the
console after entering each op impulse for the command to take effect.
For example:
If you entered TEMP1 1230111 in the server's console, then you
must enter IMPULSE 123, exit the console with the ~ key,
re-enter the console with the ~ key, and type IMPULSE 111 in
your client side console to give yourself Remote Admin access.
After you have been "Admin'ed," you can send ANY admin command into
the server. There is no limit to amount of useful or useless
admin commands that are can be sent into the server and only requires
you to memorize one impulse.
This is done by changing your player name and entering impulse 245.
For example:
If you wished to change "teamplay" to "96".
1. Enter the your passcode.
2. Change your player name to "teamplay 96".
3. Enter "impulse 245".
4. Change your name back to your original name.
For example:
If you wished to change "noexit" to "3".
1. Enter the your passcode.
2. Change your player name to "noexit 3".
3. Enter "impulse 245".
4. Change your name back to your original name.
Note: No message is shown when you are "Admined" or enter the wrong
passcode for security. Also for security, after a level is changed,
the passcode must be reentered.
[IIIf. Complete Enhanced Teamplay]
(Note: Since some classes can regenerate ammo, Teamplay 128, dropping
ammo, is not allowed in FvF Quake. Also, ammo types are often
incompatible, ie. the Mage uses Chi whereas the Sniper uses only
Sniper Bullets.)
(The following is an excerpt from The Complete Enhanced Teamplay by
John Spickes)
<BEGIN Complete Enhanced Teamplay>
Teamplay feature use:
A lot of options can be configured with this mod. The majority
of these options are configurable using the teamplay variable.
This mod uses the teamplay variable as a bitfield, with each bit
associated with a different teamplay option. The bits are as
1 Health Protect
Players receive no health damage from teammates' attacks.
2 Armor Protect
Players receive no armor damage from teammates' attacks.
4 Damage to Attacker
A player who attacks his teammate will receive the same
damage the teammate would have received, had he not been
8 Frag Penalty
Any player who kills his teammate will be penalized frags.
The number of frags to penalize is adjustable by a simple
edit in the teamplay.qc file.
16 Death Penalty
Any player who kills his teammate will burst apart in a
bloody mess.
32 Team Color Lock
Players will only be allowed to be certain colors. Players
who have illegal colors when they enter will be put into the
team with the fewest members. Any player who changes team
(pants color) will be fragged and their frag count is reset to
64 Static Teams
Players will not be allowed to change teams.
Obviously, not all these options make sense together. teamplay 9
doesn't really make sense, because you couldn't ever kill a
teammate, and thus you could never incur the one frag penalty.
To select multiple options, add the numbers of the options together.
teamplay 96 Team Color Lock, Static Teams
This results in players being automatically assigned to
teams and not allowed to change to other teams.
teamplay 3 Health Protect, Armor Protect
You can't hurt your teammates' health OR armor.
teamplay 28 Mirror Damage, Frag Penalty, Death Penalty
When you shoot your teammates, you take damage and so
do they. If you kill a teammate, you'll take a frag
penalty and you'll be killed.
teamplay 120 Static Teams, Color Lock, Frag Penalty, Death Penalty
In addition to the bitfield, you can also set teamplay to a negative
number. When teamplay is negative, it indicates how many frags
players should be penalized for killing their teammates. In this
mode of operation, the only effect of the teamplay setting is that
the number of frags indicated by teamplay is deducted from a player's
frag count when he kills a teammate. This is equivalent to teamplay
8, except that the frag penalty is adjustable in-game.
<END Complete Enhanced Teamplay>
[IIIg. Additional Teamplay Commands]
These additional Teamplay bitflags work in the same way as the ones
above do.
128 If this bitfield is set, players can change classes no matter
how much life they have. Normally, a player can only change
classes if he has 50 or more health.
256 No Suicide. This option makes it so the players cannot
512 Toggle Altar. This turns on the Altar for Quest. If this is
used during normal deathmatch, it activates Purge. FvF will
automatically translate this into Teamplay 611 for
two teams during Purge.
1024 No Telefrag. Telefrag is disable. Try it.
[IIIh. Quest Mode]
D. Quest Mode Rules
This is where the fun begins. Quest is a hybrid coop and RPG game for
FvF. Quest adds a whole new dimension to Quake and is in our opinion,
the ultimate teamwork experience. By allowing multiple players to
completely work together, the players must work together to beat the
much stronger monsters and complete the level. Unlike traditional
coop, Quest gets rid of some of the burdensome aspects of cooperative
play. There isn't any need for keys, health or ammo respawns. The
monsters are hopefully challenging enough so that players will find
themselves coordinating their attacks to eliminate them. Players are
awarded frags for eradicating monsters. These frags are carried from
one level to the next. When a player earns enough frags, they serve
as experience points as in any good RPG. The player will advance in
levels. Quest mode is activated when "coop 0" and "deathmatch 3" is
set by the server.
1. Rules in Quest mode:
a. You cannot hurt other players.
b. Initially most monsters have 2X life. Fiends and Hell
Knights have 4X life. Shamblers and Vores have 8X life.
c. Frags are considered experience points. The more
experience points you get, the more levels you can gain.
Players are normally awarded 1 frag per monster killed.
Fiends and Hell Knights give 2 frags. Shamblers and Vores
give 3 frags. Level as gained when frags reach the
following: 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 999.
d. Players lose 5% of frags from being killed by a monster.
They can lose a maximum of 5 frags. They cannot drop
below 0 frags and they cannot suicide.
e. Experience frags will carry from one level map to the
f. When a backpack is dropped, it contains all of the
players weapons and ammo, not just the last one used.
Only the backpack's owner can pick up his backpack.
h. Players must kill 75% of all monsters to exit a level.
They are informed when they have reached 75%.
i. Keys are not necessary and all gates/doors are already
j. Health and ammo take 3X as long to respawn. Health
regenerates every 60 sec's. Ammo regenerates every 90
k. Armor and Power-ups do not respawn at all. You must rely
on your team Cleric for those once they are depleted from
the map, so make sure someone is a cleric!
l. Some weapons are considered power-ups during game play and
are needed for characters to gain certain abilities.
Weapon availability and rules act exactly as "deathmatch
2". They do not disappear when picked up by a player. They
are always available so that everyone can power up.
m. Quest servers are typically limited to 4 players due to
the fact there are only 4 coop spawn spots.
[IIIi. Purge Mode]
Purge is activated by "deathmatch 1" and "teamplay 611."
This is where FvF really deviates from regular Quake or any other
game. Purge is a variation of tag, King of the Mountain, and Capture
the Flag. But it is not like any single one of them. In many ways
Purge takes from paintball as much as CTF takes from paintball.
Purge is usually called Defend the Fort or Alamo where there is only
one flag and one team defends while the other is the attacker. Purge
is religious cleansing war. There are two religions, each believing
that they are the most holy under the eyes of their gods and no other
religion should exist other than theirs. And if they have to, they
will use any and all means at their disposal to wipe out the other
side. Of course, as in any religious sect, they hold certain items
more holy than others. They distinguish each other through color.
There is the Devout Red Order of Siplak and the Blue Consciousness of
Kalpis. They must try to establish a temple, a following, and appease
their god before the other religion does. One religion is defending
their god, while the other religion is trying to "purge" the heretics.
It is a constant struggle that. like a pendulum, swings back and forth
1. The Altar.
a. Only the Cleric, Monk, and Deity can stand on the Altar.
While on the Altar, their regeneration rate increases to
1 per second.
b. The Monk and Cleric can be telefragged while on the Altar.
c. If they try to use it, any other character type will take
damage from standing on the Altar.
d. The Altar is always at the player's normal start position.
e. The Artifact starts at the Altar.
2. Artifact of Divinity
a. The Artifact grants immortality.
b. If it falls in lava, slime. or dropped, it will return
to the Altar.
c. If 60 seconds pass without it being touched, it will
return to the Altar.
3. Monk and Cleric
a. They can benefit from using the Altar.
b. The items they make can only be picked up by members of
their own team.
4. Deity
a. Deities are poor fighter. Every thing he does leave him
feeble and vulnerable for a few seconds.
b. Phoenix Attacks does 2.5 damage X life. He can
effectively kill one player. He will weaken to 1 life
for 5 seconds afterwards. He is almost never successful
in killing multiple players without assistance.
c. A minimum of 60 damage in one frame is needed to kill the
Deity. Mass Driver will not kill the Deity but Ninja
Bombs will.
d. The Deity heals 1 hit point every 5 seconds unless
standing on the Altar.
e. The Deity can never be telefragged.
[IIIj. Default Multi-Player Server Enhancements]
These rules are standard in FvF. Some of these rules can be toggled from
the server. (see SERVER.TXT)
1. Users may not suicide after they have less than 0 frags.
2. Frags will not drop below -10.
3. Changing classes usually requires the player to have 50 health.
4. All weapons and items are lost when a class is changed.
5. User names: "", and "player" are automatically renamed.